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Image Description

Microscopic Features of Peripheral Ossifying Fibroma (POF): POF consists of cellular fibroblastic areas lacking cytologic atypia, associated with mineralized matrix that can be bone, cementum-like material, or foci of dystrophic calcification. Early ulcerated lesions are more likely to show granules or large irregular areas of dystrophic calcification. Older, non-ulcerated (or healed) lesions usually contain well-formed lamellar bone or basophilic, cementum-like areas. Multinucleated giant cells may be present in the mineralized matrix.

The surface squamous mucosa may be intact but is often ulcerated and shows fibrinopurulent exudate with granulation tissue creating a resemblance to pyogenic granuloma. This image of POF shows surface ulceration and numerous ovoid nodules of cementum-like material in a cellular fibroblastic background (better appreciated at higher magnification in the next 4 images).

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