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Prognosis of Adult Granulosa Cell Tumor (GCT) of Ovary: The most important prognostic factor is tumor stage. Majority of the patients present with Stage I disease which has a 10-yr survival rate of about 90%. With higher stages, the 10-yr survival rate drops to around 50%. Other pathologic features with adverse impact on prognosis include tumor size >5 cm, mitotic activity > 5 mitoses/10 HPFs, and tumor rupture.

Adult GCT has a tendency for late recurrences, therefore long-term follow-up is recommended. The average time to recurrence is 5 years but may be as much as 20-30 years. Recurrences can occur even after apparent complete removal. The recurrence rate for Stage I tumors is 10-15% and for all stages is 20-30%. The most common sites of extraovarian spread are within the lower pelvis, peritoneum and omentum. Rare cases metastasize to liver and lungs. Lymph node metastases are uncommon.

The image shows classic microfollicular pattern of adult GCT with Call-Exner bodies and characteristic grooved nuclei.

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