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Image Description

The diagnosis of bladder diverticula can be made on imaging studies and endoscopy. Bladder diverticula are often discovered incidentally during radiographic evaluation of recurrent UTIs or other non-specific lower urinary tract symptoms and signs. Voiding cystourethrogram under fluoroscopy was commonly used previously for the diagnosis of bladder diverticula. It has largely been replaced by CT urography.

The diverticulum is carefully examined on flexible cystoscopy and any abnormal appearing mucosa or lesions are biopsied. In addition, urinalysis, urine culture and urine cytology (from the diverticulum) are also performed.

Case History: The image is an intravenous urogram showing a diverticulum arising from the right lateral wall of the bladder. Note the elevated base of the bladder due to enlarged prostate. The patient was a 60 y/o male with history of recurrent UTIs, difficulty voiding, and abdominal fullness. Case courtesy of Nikos Karapasias, From the case rID: 25900

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