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Image Description

Leydig cell tumors (LCT) are well-circumscribed and range in size from 0.5 to 5.0 cm. Children usually have small tumors (< 1 cm diameter) since they present early due to hormonal manifestations. In some pediatric cases, there is no palpable tumor and testicular ultrasound or differential testicular vein sampling for androgens is required to establish the diagnosis.

The cut surface of LCT is homogenous and lobulated with yellow-tan, greenish-brown, or dark brown appearance (see previous image). The lobules may be separated by greyish-white fibrous bands. Hemorrhage and necrosis are uncommon. Most tumors are intratesticular. Only 10% of cases show extratesticular extension.

Case History: This orchiectomy with Leydig Cell Tumor is from an adult male (> 50 yrs.) who presented with a slow-growing testicular mass of 5-6 years' duration. None of the features associated with malignancy were present in this case.

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