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Microscopic Features of Prepubertal-type Teratomas: They can show diverse endodermal, mesodermal and ectodermal derivatives, including glandular and squamous epithelium containing hair and adnexal structures, meningothelium, bone, cartilage, fat, and muscle.

Organoid arrangements of ciliated epithelium-lined structures and squamous cysts encircled by smooth muscle are often prominent in prepubertal type teratomas. Lobular arrangement of glands resembling salivary or pancreatic tissue may be present.

Microscopically, dermoid cyst is lined by stratified squamous epithelium containing hair follicles, apocrine and eccrine sweat glands as seen here. Quite frequently, the epithelial lining is disrupted with leakage of oily secretions into the surrounding stroma causing a lipogranulomatous reaction.

There should be no cytologic atypia, germ cell neoplasia-in-situ, tubular atrophy, scarring of testicular parenchyma, microliths, necrosis, or impaired spermatogenesis in the surrounding testicular parenchyma. Therefore, in adult patients presenting with prepubertal-type teratomas, one should thoroughly sample surrounding testis.

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