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Image Description

Introduction: Prepubertal-type teratoma is a germ cell tumor that is usually (but not always) seen in prepubertal testis. It includes entities like Dermoid cyst and Epidermoid cyst. Rarely, they may be seen in postpubertal testis. It has been suggested that cases detected in adult life may have been present since childhood but remained undiagnosed until much later.

Prepubertal-type teratomas contain somatic tissues derived from one or more germinal layers (endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm). There is no association with germ cell neoplasia-in-situ, dysgenetic gonads, or chromosome 12p amplification.

Dermoid cyst of the testis is a subtype of prepubertal teratoma. It is a cystic lesion filled with yellow-white creamy keratinous material that may contain hair (prepubertal cases only). This image shows dermoid cyst in a post-pubertal patient.

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