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Image Description

Clinical Features: Mesoblastic nephroma is the most common congenital renal neoplasm and constitutes 20% of all renal neoplasms in children, 1 year old or younger. Most cases present before the age of 6 months. It is rare after 2 years of age. Overall, it makes up 3% to 5% of all renal neoplasms in children. Rare adult cases have been reported.

Children typically present with a large abdominal mass (75% of cases). It can also present in utero with polyhydroamnios and non-immune fetal hydrops and may be diagnosed on prenatal ultrasound. Some children develop hypercalcemia and hypertension (20%).

The image shows cellular variant of congenital mesoblastic nephroma. It consists of plump spindle or ovoid cells arranged in densely packed sheets or poorly-formed fascicles. A few staghorn vessels are also seen.

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