Cardiac Angiosarcoma : Immunostains
Image Description
Immunohistochemical Profile of Cardiac Angiosarcoma: Tumor cells are positive for CD31, CD34 (variable), Factor VIII-related antigen, FLI-1 (nuclear), ERG (nuclear), and INI-1 (nuclear). Tumors with lymphatic endothelial differentiation show immunoreactivity for D2-40 and PROX1. Epithelioid angiosarcomas can show focal positivity for cytokeratins and sometimes EMA, but S-100 protein, Melan-A, and HMB-45 are negative. A strong cytokeratin immunoreactivity should suggest another diagnosis. P53 is positive.
This image of cardiac angiosarcoma shows solid areas as well as irregularly-shaped vascular channels infiltrating in between cardiac myocytes (cells with large nuclei).
This image of cardiac angiosarcoma shows solid areas as well as irregularly-shaped vascular channels infiltrating in between cardiac myocytes (cells with large nuclei).