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Prognosis of Angiosarcomas: Angiosarcomas are a heterogenous group of vascular tumors with varying prognoses. They are characterized by rapid dissemination, multiple local recurrences following surgery, and overall poor prognosis. The overall 5-yr survival ranges from 30% to 50%. Death results from metastases to lungs, liver, and lymph nodes.

The main prognostic factors include age, tumor size, and margin status. Age less than 50 years, tumor size less than 5 cm and negative margin status are associated with favorable outcomes. With regards to size, pathologic size correlates better with the outcome since clinical size is often underestimated. Cutaneous tumors have better prognosis than those located in deep soft tissues or internal parenchymal organs.

A risk stratification scheme based on the presence of epithelioid features and necrosis has been proposed. High-risk tumors (with both features) have a 24% 3-yr survival rate. Low-risk angiosarcomas lack necrosis and epithelioid morphology and have a 77% 3-yr survival rate.

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