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Clinical Features: Solitary fibrous tumor (SFT) occurs mainly in adults and affects sexes equally. It was initially described in the pleura but can occur at any body site. The most common locations are deep soft tissues of thigh, neck, trunk, pelvis, retroperitoneum, and serosal surfaces. The pleura-based tumors have the features of classical SFT.

The tumors may present as painless swelling when located in somatic tissues. Tumors within pelvis or retroperitoneum may cause symptoms related to the organ compression. Pleura-based SFT's are usually discovered incidentally on imaging studies for another condition.

About 5% of SFT's (usually found in the pelvis or retroperitoneum) secrete insulin-like growth factor and cause hypoglycemic symptoms, including sweating, headache, and light-headedness.

The photograph shows a large solitary fibrous tumor that was centered in the omentum. The tumor was positive for CD34, bcl-2 and CD99. It showed focal necrosis and increased mitotic activity (9 mitoses/10hpf) - histologic features that are usually associated with malignant behavior. Image copyright:

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