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Differential Diagnosis: Elastofibroma may raise the concern for a sarcoma given its frequently large size, poorly-circumscribed nature and deep soft tissue location. However, in cases with typical clinical, imaging and histologic features, the diagnosis is straightforward.

The rare entities that may show some resemblance to elastofibroma include: Elastofibrolipoma - a benign lesion that is well-circumscribed, encapsulated, and has a more prominent lipid component. Desmoid-type fibromatosis: This is a locally aggressive fibroblastic lesion that is more cellular than elastofibroma and lacks the abnormal elastic fibers. Amyloidosis may mimic elastofibroma. The distinction can be easily made with elastic and Congo red stains.

About this image: The abnormal elastic fibers stand out as darker eosinophilic, coarse, rope-like beaded structures as well as globoid structures with serrated margins against light pink collagenized background.

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