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Image Description

Microbiology: In the environment, Coccidioides occurs as filamentous mycelia in the dry, dusty soil (saprobic phase). This photomicrograph shows thin septate hyphae from which several thick-walled, barrel-shaped arthroconidia have developed. The arthroconidia (arthrospores) measure 3 x 5 μm in size. Once airborne arthroconidia are inhaled, they develop within lungs into thick-walled spherules (100 μm in size) that contain numerous endospores (3-5 μm in diameter).

Image source: Dr. Lucille K. Georg/CDC-PHIL. Original image is here. The use of this image does not constitute its endorsement or recommendation by the U.S. Government, Department of Health and Human Services, or Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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