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Image Description

Treatment of Solitary Cutaneous Mastocytoma: Solitary cutaneous mastocytomas are self-limiting lesions that usually disappear by puberty and require no therapy in most cases. There is no risk of malignant transformation.

Scratching or trauma to the lesion should be minimized to reduce redness, itching, swelling, and blistering. The lesion can also be covered by a special bandage to prevent irritation and release of vasoactive substances. Symptoms can be controlled by oral antihistamines. In rare instances when surgery is required, these lesions are removed by wide local excision due to their infiltrative nature.

This image shows a compact infiltrate of uniform mast cells in dermis in a case of solitary cutaneous mastocytoma.

Image courtesy of: Miguel Guzman, MD, St. Louis, Missouri, USA; used with permission.

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