DLBCL : Testis
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Lymphomas make up about 5% of primary testicular neoplasms. They are the most frequent testicular neoplasm in men older than 50 years. Lymphomas are the most common bilateral tumor of the testis. Patients usually present with slowly enlarging, hard, painless mass. Constitutional symptoms are present in a minority of cases. Grossly, the testicular lymphomas appear as soft, fleshy, yellow-tan or gray tumors. They may be small in size or large tumors replacing the entire testis (as seen in this image). Epididymis is involved in almost all the cases. Penetration of tunica albuginea and involvement of spermatic cord are seen in 40% to 50% of cases. The vast majority of testicular lymphomas are diffuse large B-cell type. Image copyright: pathorama.ch