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Image Description

Classic Hodgkin Lymphoma (cHL) - Gross Pathology: Lymph nodes involved by cHL are usually enlarged and may attain massive size in some cases. In advanced stages, several lymph nodes from the same group can become matted together.

The gross appearance depends upon the subtype but is generally more heterogenous than the uniform fish-flesh appearance of non-Hodgkin lymphomas. Nodular sclerosis has nodular appearance with firm to hard consistency due to fibrosis. Greyish-white fibrous bands surround individual nodules. Mixed cellularity and lymphocyte-rich have softer consistency. Foci of necrosis may be present.

About this image: Classic Hodgkin Lymphoma, Nodular Sclerosis type - the lymph node is massively enlarged and has a nodular appearance due to bands of fibrosis. Image courtesy of : Ed Uthman, MD, Houston, Texas. Used with permission.

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