Toxoplasma Lymphadenitis
Image Description
Toxoplasma Lymphadenitis: Toxoplasma trophozoites are rarely seen in the lymph nodes of immunocompetent patients with routine H&E morphology, immunostains, or by PCR. In immunocompromised patients, such as patients with AIDS, clusters of crescentic shaped trophozoites free or in macrophages may be seen. They are best detected in Giemsa-stained tissue imprints or smears.
Chronic cases of toxoplasmosis may rarely show cysts within involved lymph nodes. In cases with presumptive diagnosis of toxoplasma lymphadenitis on a lymph node biopsy or FNA, serologic studies are helpful in confirming the diagnosis.
This image from a case of toxoplasma lymphadenitis shows monocytoid B-cells in a sheet (left half) and aggregates of epithelioid histiocytes (right half).
Chronic cases of toxoplasmosis may rarely show cysts within involved lymph nodes. In cases with presumptive diagnosis of toxoplasma lymphadenitis on a lymph node biopsy or FNA, serologic studies are helpful in confirming the diagnosis.
This image from a case of toxoplasma lymphadenitis shows monocytoid B-cells in a sheet (left half) and aggregates of epithelioid histiocytes (right half).