Hyaline-Vascular Castleman Disease
Image Description
Microscopic Features of Hyaline-Vascular Castleman Disease (HVCD) (continued): This photomicrograph shows a small germinal center that is lymphocyte-depleted and surrounded by an expanded mantle zone consisting of concentric layers of lymphocytes. The hyalinized cores of the germinal centers are composed mostly of CD21+ and CD35+ follicular dendritic cells (FDC), endothelial cells of proliferating vessels and scant residual follicle-center B-cells.
The FDC can become dysplastic and show molecular evidence of clonal proliferation. They may be precursors to the FDC tumors and high-grade spindle cell sarcomas that sometimes occur in patients with Castleman disease.
The FDC can become dysplastic and show molecular evidence of clonal proliferation. They may be precursors to the FDC tumors and high-grade spindle cell sarcomas that sometimes occur in patients with Castleman disease.