Image 96 of 146

Image Description

Adenoid cystic carcinoma shows an admixture of many architectural patterns, including cribriform, tubular, and solid growth with a myxohyaline stroma.

The image shows predominantly tubular pattern consisting of tubules lined by a single layer of ductal epithelial cells surrounded by one or more layers of basaloid cells. The tubules are separated by hyaline stroma. Some foci can show extensive hyalinization with delicate lace-like arrangement of tumor cells.

Case History: This 55 y/o female presented with recurrent nasal bleeding and was found to have a 3 cm mass in sphenoethmoidal recess under an intact bulging respiratory mucosa. MRI showed erosion of adjacent bony structures. The tumor was resected and diagnosed as adenoid cystic carcinoma. The overlying respiratory mucosa was uninvolved but partially sloughed off.

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