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Image Description

Mixed germ cell-sex cord-stromal tumor, unclassified (MGCSCSTU): Microscopically, it is composed an admixture of immature germ cells and sex cord-stromal cells. The germ cells are large with pleomorphic nuclei and abundant clear cytoplasm. The areas with a predominance of these germ cells resemble dysgerminoma.

The sex cord cells may be arranged in solid nests, anastomosing cords and trabeculae, hollow tubules, or diffuse sheets. Areas where sex cord stromal cells are intimately associated with germ cells show close resemblance to a gonadoblastoma or a sex cord stromal tumor with annular tubules.

This image shows admixture of dysgerminoma-like primitive germ cells and sex cord cells arranged in nests, separated by fibrous stroma. The center of the image shows mostly sex cord-stromal cells attempting to form primitive tubules.

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