Image 66 of 104

Image Description

Malignancy in Large Cell Calcifying Sertoli Cell Tumor (LCCSCT): Malignancy in LCCSCT is rare and is usually seen in patients older than 25 years with sporadic tumors (i.e. not associated with Carney complex). Accordingly, malignant tumors tend to be solitary and large.

Features associated with malignancy include: size > 4 cm, extratesticular extension, necrosis, significant nuclear atypia, lympho-vascular invasion, and > 3 mitoses/10 HPF. Malignant tumors possess two or more of these features, where as benign tumors have none.

In this image, the tumor cells are arranged in solid tubules, nests, and anastomosing cords in medium amounts of fibromyxoid stroma.

Image 66 of 104