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Introduction: Testicular lymphomas make up 5% of testicular neoplasms, 4% of extranodal lymphomas, and 1-2% of all lymphomas. They are the most frequent testicular neoplasm in men older than 50 years. Testicular lymphomas may represent secondary spread from lymph nodes (more common) or they can be primary testicular lymphomas (involving mainly testis with absence of nodal involvement; seen less commonly). The mean age at presentation is late 50's or 60's. They are rare in children.

Clinical History: This orchiectomy is from an elderly male who presented with hydrocele. Testicular ultrasound showed an infiltrative pattern worrisome for malignancy. The cut surface shows several ill-defined fleshy tumors and areas of hemorrhage. Sections showed a diffuse infiltrate of large anaplastic cells (CD45 pos; CD20 pos; CD3 neg) in the interstitium. The final diagnosis was diffuse large B-cell lymphoma.

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