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Image Description

Recurrence rates after polypectomy: One third of patients who have undergone polypectomy develop recurrent adenomas. In long-term retrospective studies, the recurrence rate has been 20% at 5 years after polypectomy and reaching 50% after 15 years. The recurrent adenomas are typically smaller than index adenomas and less likely to harbor adverse histopathologic features.

Risk factors for recurrence: The presence of multiple index adenomas, size greater than 1 cm, high-grade dysplasia, villous histology, and older age are risk factors for adenoma recurrence.

This image shows invasive mucinous adenocarcinoma arising in a tubular adenoma. The submucosa contains pools of mucin with strips of well-differentiated malignant glands. The surface adenomatous epithelium is not seen in this field.

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