Image 47 of 61

Image Description

The modified Scarff-Bloom Richardson grading system (Nottingham Combined Histologic Grade) is based on the degree of tubule/duct formation, nuclear grade, and mitotic rate.

Nuclear features are assessed in the area with greatest pleomorphism. The tumor nuclei are compared to the nuclei of normal ductal epithelial cells in the adjacent breast tissue. The nuclei are subdivided into three categories: 1) low-grade nuclei (score 1) are small, uniform and comparable in size to those of normal ductal epithelial cells. The chromatin is evenly dispersed and nucleoli are inconspicuous. 2) intermediate grade nuclei (score 2) are 1.5-2x the size of benign ductal epithelial nuclei. They show mild to moderate pleomorphism and small punctate nucleoli. 3) high-grade nuclei (score 3) are more than twice the size of benign ductal epithelial cells. There is marked pleomorphism, vesicular chromatin, and prominent nucleoli.

The tumor shown in this image has intermediate-grade nuclei (Score 2). There is minimal variation in nuclear size and shape. Small punctate nucleoli are present.

Image 47 of 61